When we bought our home in 2009, we carved out a 90 by 30-foot garden. For many years, it was beautiful and fruitful. However, managing weeds with a tiller hurt our soil biome and our garden conditions eventually favored weeds. We were working in soil with a lot of clay, which rain turned into a muddy mess that hardened in the sun. We lost three gardens in a row to weeds despite hot summer days crawling on the ground fighting them.
The last garden we lost was during the pandemic, when we were gardening like it mattered. After that, we needed to find a better way. We wanted to get our bodies off the ground. We added hügelkultur to the idea so we could build a soil biome and get away from the marine clay that resisted our tools and weighed down our boots. We wanted a waist high solution so we could garden upright but we could not find a cost effective, long-lasting, garden-safe product. So, we decided to make one! Soon after that, we formed Ergonomic Gardens, LLC so we could share our idea with others.
Now, our inspiration is standing in a garden assembling our garden beds with someone excited to grow with us. It is the best part of what we do.