Jennifer Visscher Art & Design

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Color is one of Jennifer’s brightest joys. She embodies her slogan, “Live In Joy and Color!” Color gives energy and  elevates our souls. She loves nothing better than when people tell her that her work makes them happy!

Her Mom told the story of a piece of art she did in kindergarten of an autumn tree. There were very positive reactions from  teachers and family. From that early age Jennifer was an artist and in 1991 she received a Bachelors in Fine Art from the  University of Massachusetts. 

Then, in Jennifer’s 30’s she was challenged by a very difficult autoimmune disease called Axial Spondyloarthritis. One  symptom called uveitis actually caused her to lose her ability to see colors correctly. It was such a confusing and  devastating loss and painting became strained and frustrating. After starting treatment, the heaviness of the disease  started to lift. It was like a dense fog had been covering everything and finally the sun was burning through and the colors  were starting to appear once again. Her friends – magenta, turquoise, deep golden yellow, grass green, and sky blue,  were back by her side. Because of experiencing the loss, she now celebrates colors!

When she finally started feeling better she needed to share about what she had just gone through and she decided on a  creative avenue to do so, launching a year long daily “art apple” 2D piece on a blog where she talked about the disease,  the challenges, and the need for better diagnosis protocol. After the successful completion of her 365 daily “Art Apple A  Day” project, she founded a non-profit called Walk AS One to help other people with the disease. 

In 2019 Jennifer finally decided to walk away from the corporate and non-profit world. The pull to devote herself to  creativity and art was SO strong! This was a shift – a deep, confident, knowing – and all the stars aligned. In the last few  years Jennifer has developed a strong and solid look that excites her to get into the studio every day! In addition to using  bright, bold colors, Jennifer loves to create with an imprecise-ness.  Life is messy & complex and Jennifer wants people to  see immediately that her images are made with an energy by her hand using paint and ink. She does create digital images but mostly from hand drawn shapes first to keep a digital feel out of the work.

Gardens are emblematic of life, beautiful yet full of complexities and chaos. She also loves juxtapositions. Fast bold initial  strokes of color vs. the minute details. A matte sheen vs. high gloss. Bleeding colors vs. controlled patterns. Jennifer also  loves to innovate and experiment with materials. She’s bound and determined to create not only beautiful original fine art  but to also design products with her art. 

Jennifer has studios in Maine both near Portland and on the island of Vinalhaven where she lives with her husband Doug  and their very loyal and charismatic doodle, Lola, and her reluctant sidekick, Lulu the tabby.

Our Products Are Available At The Locations Below

Freeport Market - Freeport, Maine
Spruce And Gussy - Bar Harbor, Maine
Maine Micro Artisans - Portland, Gorham, Bangor, Maine
Island Closet - Vinalhaven, Maine