Hi! I’m Jill, the one who started this journey into a lavender life. I am a mom, wife, and occupational therapist. I have brought my daughter and husband along for this amazing journey as well. How Moonglow started was due to dark days of winter. Winter usually brings about thinking of how to keep busy or a new project. Moonglow Lavender started during this time with my need to grow and nurture a useful crop to share with the community and beyond. Inspiration of new products come from the people who stop by my booth at markets who tell me stories of their life experience with lavender; interacting with fellow makers and being in the field when all I can hear are buzzing bees and birds with the scent of lavender all around me. Lavender life is pretty amazing.
At one point in my career I worked in neurorehabilitation. We often had groups of clients that would work together on an “occupation”. I was the staff member of the gardening group. I learned from the gardening group how therapeutic growing food or flowers can be and how it can bring people together. These folks taught me more than I could ever teach them. To be honest, I don’t have any type of formal training for growing anything. Growing lavender was learned by trial and error, research and connecting with people in the community with far greater knowledge of farming. I am still learning and will forever.